We find that after praying about it, Nehemiah had the marks of a competent leader:
- He had a clear recognition of the needs.
- He was personally concerned with the need.
- He went to God first with his problem.
- He was available to mee the need himself.
Swindoll's style is easy to read. His major points stand out on the page. He then backs them with references from the book of Nehemiah. He also includes simple explanations which illustrate the points he makes.
He sums up his book with Key Principles to Remember from Nehemiah 10:
- Serious thought precedes any significant change.
- Written plans confirm right priorities.
- A loss of distinction and conformity to the world go hand in hand.
I enjoyed this book a great deal. I have applied many of these principles over the years. I will be applying some new ones in the days ahead.
Hand Me Another Brick
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