
The purpose of Reading Fuel for Leaders and Wantabe Leaders is to help you find the best reading material available to improve your own personal leadership style and skills.

Because: "A Leader is a Reader"

This idea comes from President Harry S. Truman who once said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”

Leading people is a difficult and demanding job. Most of us need as much help as we can get. We can get help from other people. Fortunately for us, we can get help from people who might not be able to get direct contact with.  

We might not be able to sit down with them over a cup of coffee and learn from them. Maybe they are too busy, maybe they live too far away, maybe they just don't want to talk to us, or maybe they lived many generations and lifetimes ago. But if they were ever willing to commit their thoughts on leadership to paper or papyrus or clay tablet, then we can learn from them.  

And if we don't like what they are saying, we can walk away from the conversation without being impolite. The conversation takes place on our terms at our speed where we want to meet.

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