Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In The Big Inning

In The Big Inningcontains 29 examples about a man's life and his attempts to influence those around him for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This book is a followup to Jon's first book, The winning pitch.

In The winning pitch Jon describes different ways we has "pitched" the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. In In The Big Inning Jon describes different responses people have had to "pitches" and opportunities to let Jesus rule as Lord of their lives.

Jon Burnham is a leader. Jon leads people to Jesus Christ. He brings them face to face with Jesus Christ and helps them consider the claims that Jesus has made to be the Savior and Lord of their lives.

In The Big Inning is filled with examples of how the God of the universe has worked in and through Jon's life. In the preface to the book, Jon states two reasons for writing this book.

"1. I wrote this book to honor God. I have watched the Lord change many lives through the scriptures, and I wanted to document the many different ways He made those changes.
2. Success is not what we've done, it's what we've done compared to what we could have done.
I want the readers to put into practice these tried and tested Biblical standards, so they can experience the abundant life and success the Lord intended."

From Burnham's example we can learn creativity and courage. Jon lives by the courage of his convictions. Jon trusts God to provide creative ways to reach people where they are at.

1 comment:

Reading Machine said...

This is a practice comment to see if it works.