Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Principle-Centered Leadership

Steven R. Covey wrote the New York Times #1 Bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Later he wrote Principle Centered Leadership. This book builds on the principles outlined in his 7 Habits book. He starts out right away in Chapter 1 outlining the characteristics of principle-centered leaders. They:
  1. are continually learning
  2. are service-oriented
  3. radiate positive energy
  4. believe in other people
  5. lead balanced lives
  6. see life as an adventure
  7. are synergistic
  8. exercise for self-renewal.

This book is really two books in one. The first half is created to help us at the personal and interpersonal level. The second half is created to help us at the organizational level.

I learned a great deal that has helped me with both my personal and my professional life.

This book is still right on the money, even after 17 years. Principle Centered Leadership
by Steven Covey.


Anonymous said...

Handy Man Oz

Anonymous said...

Please take a look at my web site and give me some constructive help. I am new at this.
Handy Man Oz