The process was described in The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development
Clinton suggests that we view the life of a leader as a big picture, identify the significant events in an individuals life and map those events onto a time line continuum. He suggests that there are six stages for most of us.
- Phase I: The Foundational Lessons stage where we grow in our inner life. We are becoming the leaders we will be later. We are still sorting through who we are and the claims God has on us for His work.
- Phase II: Inner-Life Growth. The impact is on our personal lives. We develop the character qualities we will need to lead well later.
- Phase III: Ministry Maturing. In this phase you try lots of different ministry and serving opportunities. You are trying to determine your spiritual gifts and interests.
- Phase IV: Life Maturing. This is where your emotional and psychological maturity come to fruition. Your personal issues no longer get in the way of you being able to make your contributions in the world.
- Phase V: Convergence. This is where all your efforts come together and you are making your optimum contribution to the world. The lessons you have learned, the experiences you have had, the skills you have developed, and the knowledge you have gained all come into alignment. You have become the best you can be and you are doing what you where put here to do.
- Phase VI: Afterglow. In this phase we are enjoying the contributions we are making. God and others affirm us in the contributions we have made and are making. We are fulfilled.
The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development
I highly recommend this book if you want to understand your own development as a leader.
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